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Technological advances are enabling renewable energy sources to provide power at rates that are increasingly competitive with traditional sources of power.

Each of our renewable energy power projects is defined by social impact.  This focus on impact projects lowers operational risks and raises economic returns, in ways that are, in our estimation, unique.  In emerging markets, endemic power shortages are slowing economic growth prospects.  We seek a positive impact on jobs and people wherever we work.

Almost always, whether in the US or elsewhere, the marginal cost of power is higher than power coming from renewable energy sources. Cheaper and more available power boosts socioeconomic well-being.

We act as co-developers and developers of solar, wind, storage, micro-hydro, biomass and geothermal power plants ranging in size from utility-scale to off-grid installations.

We build the team for each project, with our operational partners, EPC firms and investor partners.  Our projects benefit from our strong relationships with institutional investors and family offices in the US, and multilateral financial institutions such as the World Bank, MIGA, IFC and their equivalents in Asia, Europe and Africa.

We engage in the design and buildout of grid infrastructure including substations. We also engage with regulatory bodies on power market design and implementation.

We rely on our network of advisors and representatives to build highly skilled and efficient teams for each project. We are deeply involved with the technical, financial and operational aspects of every one of our projects.

  • In pioneering work, we have recently successfully completed a major project, partly funded by the US Trade Development Agency (USTDA), to provide a bankable feasibility study on the production of biomethane and other valorized products from animal manure from one of the largest aggregation of cattle farms in South Asia. This study was featured in the USTDA Annual Report. We note with satisfaction the start of implementation of the waste to value project that is the subject of this study.

  • In Illinois, we have been engaged in a systematic program to develop a series of solar power plants with responsibility for all phases of development including land control, off-take agreements, EPC, financing, construction and operations - engaging trusted partners where needed.  We have been actively involved with recent legislation making renewable energy, particularly solar, more attractive. 

  • We have co-developed a 100MW solar power project in West Africa, with a local partner

  • In Turkey, we designed a plant to process 500 metric tons of municipal solid waste into commercially saleable natural gas and fertilizer based on Turkey’s needs for each.

  • In Indonesia we are active members of the Power Working Group of the US Embassy.  We are helping Indonesia attract global resources to its renewable energy sector.

  • With our partners at the Africa Grid Foundation, we work across Africa on utility scale solar and wind power plants, helping alleviate chronic power shortages and accelerating growth.

© 2025 SeaSpire Advisors, LLC.

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